Custom Flyout Menu in .Net MAUI

How to Create a Custom Flyout Menu in .NET MAUI: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a Custom Flyout Menu in .NET MAUI
How to Create a Custom Flyout Menu in .NET MAUI

Learn how to create a custom flyout menu in .NET MAUI with this easy-to-follow guide. Discover the benefits of a custom flyout menu and how to implement it in your app today.


A flyout menu is a common UI pattern used in many mobile and desktop applications. It’s a navigation panel that slides out from the side of the screen, providing quick access to frequently used features or settings. In .NET MAUI, you can create a custom flyout menu that perfectly matches your app’s design and functionality. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a custom flyout menu step-by-step.

Step 1: Create a new .NET MAUI project

To get started, create a new .NET MAUI project in Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac. Choose the Blank template and select the platforms you want to support (iOS, Android, and/or Windows). Name your project and click Create.

Step 2: Add a flyout layout

Next, add a FlyoutLayout to your MainPage.xaml file. This is the main container for your flyout menu.

<maui:FlyoutLayout xmlns=""
<!-- Your content here -->

Step 3: Add a content page

Inside the FlyoutLayout, add a ContentPage. This will be the main content area of your app.

<!-- Your flyout menu here -->

<local:MainContentPage />

Step 4: Add a flyout menu

Inside the FlyoutLayout, add a FlyoutPage. This will be your flyout menu.

<local:FlyoutMenuPage />

<local:MainContentPage />

Step 5: Customize your flyout menu

Create a new FlyoutMenuPage.xaml file and add the items you want in your flyout menu. You can use any controls you like, such as buttons, labels, or images. Here’s an example:

<ContentPage xmlns=""
<Button Text="Home" />
<Button Text="Settings" />
<Button Text="About" />

Step 6: Implement the flyout menu

To implement the flyout menu, add a command to your button or other control that toggles the FlyoutIsPresented property of the FlyoutLayout. Here’s an example:

<Button Text="Menu" Command="{Binding Source={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type maui:FlyoutPage}}, Path=FlyoutLayout.FlyoutIsPresented, Converter={StaticResource BoolInverterConverter}}">

This command will toggle the flyout menu when the button is clicked.

Step 7: Add animations (optional)

To make your custom flyout menu more engaging, you can add animations to the menu and the main content area. For example, you can slide the menu in and out smoothly or fade the main content area in and out when the menu is opened or closed. You can use the built-in animation APIs in .NET MAUI to achieve this.


Creating a custom flyout menu in .NET MAUI is a simple process that can greatly enhance the user experience of your app. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a custom flyout menu that perfectly matches your app’s design and functionality. Experiment with different layouts, controls, and animations to create a truly unique and engaging user interface.

In summary, to create a custom flyout menu in .NET MAUI, you need to create a FlyoutLayout, add a ContentPage for your main content, add a FlyoutPage for your flyout menu, customize your flyout menu with the controls you need, and implement the flyout menu using a command that toggles the FlyoutIsPresented property. By following these steps, you can create a custom flyout menu that enhances your app’s navigation and user experience.

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